Friday, September 6, 2019
Violent character Essay Example for Free
Violent character Essay Abigail starts off in the play all innocent, but as the play progresses she becomes a more violent character. Shes had an affair with John Proctor and wants him, but he wants to stop the affair altogether, she accuses him of being cowardly Oh, I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be. She really doenst want John to stay with Elizabeth so later on she tries to blame her for witchery. She makes the scene really dramatic, and grabbes the audiences attention more in a way of what they think of her now, to what they thaught of her at the start of the play. This man is a newcomer to Salem, an outsider who the people are not very accepting of him. One of the reasons maybe that hes no were near as religious as the people of Salem, for example I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach only hellfire and bloody damnation. Take it to heart Mr Parris, there are many others who stay away from church these days because you hardily ever mension God anymore. This makes Parris angry, and aroused, he replies with Why, thats a drastic charge! As the play goes on, in act 1 we learn that Parris is an important man, but also a man with enemies. The Putnams are always trying to find ways of sending him down, they get a great chance when his daughter is accused of being a witch. From this mans language in the play, the audience think of him more as being a respected man, but also one who doesnt want his authority questioned. Reverrand Hale comes into the play towrads the end of act one, he plays a very straight forward man, hes infact a man who knows a lot about witches, thats why Rev. Parris sends for him when Betty is taken ill. He rises the tension in the play by shouting at the suspected girls who were dancing in the woods, shouting at them to confess about Lucifer. In The Crucible there has been quite a lot of emotionaly charged scenes , like when Abigail and Proctor were discussing their affair behind the barn building, also theres been a lot of violence and arguments, for example when Tituba was being wipped for being accused of conjuring spirits in the woods, then Abigail was shouting all the bad things what Tituba was ment to have done. There was arguments like when Parris was arguing with Abigail, do you look for wipping, I thaught I saw someone running naked through the trees! and when Abigail says its not true he replies in anger I saw it!. I think the most dramatic scene was when the girls were dancing in the woods because they were all screaming with someone naked, with a chamber pot in the middle where a innocent chicken was sacrificed for the sake of the girls sportin as it were. There were lots of interrogation scenes like when Rev. Hale was asking the girls who were dancing in the woods, who conjured spirits, he had them all in a line until one of them spoke out and accused Abigail. Abigail replied in anger and strongly denied the accusation. This builds up tension in the scene. Another thing that the audience want to know is if Abigail and Proctor are still sleeping together, further on in the play we find they dont, Its mostly based on Proctor and whether he is to save his life and lie, or go with his concience and suffer the consiquences. I think what makes the plot dramatic is all the happenings comming at once, like the witchcraft, Abigail and Proctors affair, Betty being ill, Parriss disputes with the Putnams and Tituba being accused and beaten all packed into the opening scene of the play. Another small factor is Abigails dialogue being more and more violent as she gets more annoyed, first she was quiet later shes loud and violent. I think Arthur Miller chose to set the play in Salem simply because it was a very religious community with strong views on witchcraft and the supernatural, so if anything of the sort was to happen, serious problems would occur. The play is also set in the spring time, which is ironic, and also it maybe a new start for the people, it almost looks like nothing bad would ever happen there, as if its a fairy tale land in a childrens book. Salem was a place where the community was divided between people who done good or bad thing in their life, for example Rev Parris has a faction within the church to drive him out. Sale is also a community split by religious disputes. Another place is scene 1 which creates dramatic tension is when Rev. Parris in the small room where hes arguing with Abigail, hes almost in prisoned in the small dark room, where outside its bright and sunny. Almost making the audience think that Parris is a harsh, cruel man with something about him. If it started were he where outside, the audiences may have a different view on him. The stage directions help to build the tension in ways which build up towards the heat of the argument (the explosive force crucible), for example when Abigail keeps coming on stage and critisising Goody Putnam. When people come in and out of the play all the time, its not as boring for the audience which makes them want to see whats going to happen next, therefore building up dramatic tension all the way through. Characters appearing in and out of the play at specific times helps the audience build up a picture of what is happening and whats going to happen, they may mension or give clues on where theyre going then return when whether the audience expects it or not, most of the time if the writer of the play wants to create dramatic tension the characters will pop up when the audience leasts expects it. This helps give false expectations of the characters where abouts building up the tension bit by bit. To concude this essay I think think scene one in The Crucible is dramatic because of all the major happenings occur all together in one, action-packed scene, as I have explained earlier on in this essay. I think its a very effective first act because it grabs the audiences attention straight away, even in the first few minutes of the play. Scene one leaves you where you desperately want to see what is going to happen to the characters later on in the play. I think the audiences would have reacted in different ways, when the girls were dancing at the start of the play and Abigail smashed the chiken on the ground getting blood all over her face the audiences would have been quite shocked and even more shocked when they saw a naked woman all this was very dramatic, I think Miller deliberatley wanted the girl to be naked because of this. Another audience catching scene was when Abigail and Proctor were behind the barn discussing their affair and Abigail said you sweated like a stalion when I ever came near, the audience must have been enthrolled at the thaught they were taking risks on having an affair in such a strict community.
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