Sunday, August 23, 2020
Impact of Organised Retail On Unorganised Retail
Effect of Organized Retail On Unorganized Retail Dynamic The upset in Indian retail industry has brought many far reaching developments and furthermore opened entryway for some Indian just as remote players. In Indian situation there is consistently a steady conflict among difficulties and openings yet risks favors those organizations that are attempting to build up themselves. As each coin has two faces correspondingly it additionally has a few advantages and disadvantages. In India about 96% of retail advertises comprise of chaotic retail players, for example, kirana stores. Because of ideal segment conditions, for example, changing way of life of Indian buyers and government strategies give tremendous chances to Indian corporate houses just as outside players. On the off chance that we contrast today’s situation and prior we found that around then the cost and the conveyance mode is very surprising .at present the business sectors and their procedures are progressively adaptable in all angles. The new Snow-white commercial centers have begun to supplant the customary bazaar †sort of predominated small corner kirana shop. India has most elevated shop thickness on the planet. It has more than 1.5crores retail shop along these lines giving second most elevated work after horticulture. It utilizes 7% of absolute workforce and contributing over 10% of India’s GDP.But have we at any point imagined that what by the passage of enormous retailers what will be happened to those chaotic retail kirana stores which comprise 96% of it? It might not have a quick impact yet in since quite a while ago run it may influence the little kirana stores and along these lines numerous individuals would free there work , numerous families could get influenced subsequently in since a long time ago run we ought not overlook this issue . The principle motivation behind this report to examine the effect of sorted out retail on the little kirana stores and to discover: How kirana stores can continue themselves in since a long time ago run? How they will adapt in the opposition from sorted out retail players? Are the means taken by government enough for their shields? This paper talks about the different difficulties looked by both composed just as kirana stores in Delhi NCR and how both can support in harmony absent really any influencing every others. Presentation Retailing can be characterized as the offer of products or product, from a fixed area, for example, a retail chain or booth, in little or individual parts for direct utilization by the purchaser. Retailing is an all around perceived business work which bargains making accessible wanted item in the ideal amount at the ideal time. This makes a period, spot and structure utility for the purchaser. The accomplishment of retailing is rely up upon the proficient gracefully chain and arrangement of product blend. A very much created flexibly chain lessens wastages and exchange cost along these lines diminishing the expense of inventories to be kept up by the makers and the merchants. A decrease in the expense of stock administration prompts a decrease in the last cost to the shopper. Retailing has been distinguished as a key hotspot for advancement of materials, handled nourishments, agrarian and green items. As of late because of certain segment and financial changes India retail area has taken another relax. It has made a ton of chances for large corporate houses like Tatas , Reliance and Bharti and so on just as for some outside players. As in present situation Indian retail is in early stage thusly it isn't a lot of influencing the little kirana stores however in since quite a while ago run its influence can be overlook. Without a doubt, unrest in retail is useful for Indian purchasers just as government as it will expand the expenses for example pay for government and customer will have increasingly decision. Comprehensively Indian retail part can be arranged into two sections: Sloppy retailing Sloppy retailing is portrayed by a twisted land showcase, poor foundation and wasteful upstream procedures, absence of present day innovation, insufficient subsidizing and nonappearance of gifted labor. In this way, there is a need to advance sorted out retailing. Composed Retailing Composed Retailing can be characterized as a type of retailing whereby clients can purchase products in a comparative buy condition across more than one physical area for verticals from food, basic food item, clothing, purchaser durables, gems, footwear, magnificence care, home dã ©cor, and books to music. In sorted out retailing an appropriate record is keep up by the legislature and retailers need to pay the duty to the administration. What is the danger for nearby sorted out stores? India has exceptionally divided retail industry. Today’s situation India, despite everything have of the conventional arrangements retailing .Today still neighborhood kirana shop, container, bidi shop, equipment Store, week after week hatts,convenience stores bazaars etc.It establish about 96% of retail showcase .About 12 million outlets working in nation and just 5% of them being bigger than 500 square feet in size. In India it is essential to comprehend what job it pays in lives of Indian residents from social just as financial planned. Retailing is presumably the essential type of Masked Unemployment In Our Country As we have stuffed horticulture division and deteriorating fabricating part and the low wages and difficult work in the two segments constrained numerous Indians to hop in administration segment. Here because of absence of chances it is nearly become a characteristic choice for a person to set up a little shop or store contingent on his money related condition .Thus retailer is conceived by situation not by decision. At last it gives occupation of in excess of 6 crores individuals where as composed retail gives work to approximately 7 lakhs people groups. So the arrangement makes ought to be cautious about these 6 crores people groups, whose employment may get in peril in future. Retail Industry Structure Worldwide Scenario Overall retail industry is one of the most drawing in industry being constrained by a bunch of amazing partnerships based principally in the U.S and Europe, to be specific, Wal-Mart, Tesco, Carrefour and Metro. Adjacent to these their are numerous others large MNC retailers however they have soaked in their nations of origin just and are searching for entering developing markets like India, China and Russia. As these players are infiltrating in these nations consequently giving a world class shopping experience to the buyers. Today customers become all the more requesting need world class items just as purchasing as well as an experiential shopping. Therefore move in shopper conduct in these developing markets drawing in world greatest players. Likewise the immersion in US retail advertise and other existing markets in created nations driving them to move in new market like India and china. Retailing in United States Retail Sector is the second biggest industry in U.S. both in number of foundations and number of workers. The U. S. retail industry creates $3.8 trillion in retail deals every year ($4.2 trillion if food administration deals are incorporated), that is roughly $11,993 per capita. Wal-Mart is the universes biggest retailer and the universes biggest organization with more than $312 billion (USD) in deals every year. Wal-Mart utilizes 1.3 million partners in the United States and more than 400,000 universally. The second biggest retailer on the planet is Frances Carrefour. Retail Trends in different Countries China had at first confined FDI in retailing to just joint endeavors at 49 percent outside holding and just at indicated areas subject to a roof on the quantity of stores. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan have implemented zoning limitations for uber retailers. There are negligible capital prerequisites for outside retailers in Sri Lanka. The Philippines has forced â€Å"sourcing†and correspondence prerequisites on outside retailers. In Japan, uber retailers must look for the perspectives and authorization of little neighborhood stores before opening another store. In the US, significant urban communities, for example, Los Angeles, California, Chicago and New York City have confined the opening of Wal-Mart stores inside city limits. France instituted the Raffairin Act that directs the development of hypermarkets bigger than 300 square feet. In Thailand, the legislature has set up a help finance for nearby retailers because of the effect of super retailers. Portion of Retail Market in world economy: Nation Complete Market ( bn US $) U.S 4030 Taiwan 40 Malaysia 20 Thailand 32 Indonesia 75 China 325 India 360 Indian Retail Scenario History Generally Indian Retail can be followed back from Weekly Markets, Melas, Village Fairs in Small towns and towns to Kirana stores, PDS outlets, Khadi Bhandaar, co-employable stores in urban communities. The rush of retail started with different material makes like Bombay Dyeing, Raymonds, S Kumar’s, and Grasim foraying into selling the item through their outlets what's more, rivalry among FMCG players driving the powers towards retailing. The development of retailing lead to a rise of different present day groups like shopping centers, Super-bazaars, Hyper-marts,Departmental Stores, Apparel Stores, and so forth taking into account significantly all divisions of society giving the terrifically significant 3Vs †Value, Variety and Volume. Retail Boom In India Indian Retail Sector is at its affectation point anticipating multifold development. The Retail Industry’s Size is by and by Rs 1, 44,253 crores out of which the composed area adds to a minor 4 percent Of the market size, genuinely commanded by dissipated, unregulated, chaotic players. Retail area is relied upon to develop couple to the GDP development rate. This division is scheduled to be the greatest supporter of GDP of around 10 percent and has promisingly created ~8 percent work in India, which is moving towards a bigger age of business openings in the occasions ahead. Eventual fate Of Organized Retailing In India Due to the urban-country isolate, composed retail will develop in the metros and enormous urban communities, trailed by semi-urban and rustic territories. Along these lines
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Popular Culture Essay Essay
In spite of the fact that there are a few pieces of mainstream society that make it into high culture, mainstream society is transient; it portrays the lifestyle, mentalities, and interests of for the most part more youthful individuals. These perspectives generally change as they age and increase genuine experience. This paper will cover culture, mainstream society, three significant patterns in well known American culture and how famous American culture influences individual dynamic. Culture is the unified structure of social getting, confidence, and direct that relies on the capacity to look for information and spread it to people in the future. It is likewise the normal standards, aggregate traditions, and quantifiable characteristics of ethnic, strict, or a network. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) â€Å"The soul takes nothing with her to the following scene yet her training and her culture.†(Plato, 2012) Popular social is the comprehension and activities of a specific arrangement of individuals in a specific time. It is likewise TV programs (like Reality TV) or attractive merchandise (like hanging pants, larger than average shirts, caps intended to be worn in reverse, and so forth.) made for, or focused at specific arrangement of individuals. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) In this student’s assessment mainstream society travels every which way and just characterizes a period not its kin. Three significant patterns in today’s society are an advanced society, sexual unequivocality, and a general absence of moral duty. Americans live in a computerized society that depends on innovation more than individual connections. We do a lot of shopping and buying on the web and have become a general public where the hotter it is the better. Nearly everything on TV, in magazines, and even our music have become pervaded with sexual suggestions and allusions. At long last, we have a problem with the absence of moral duty in our nation; as of late there have been a few claims against drive-thru eateries for making individuals fat. Americans need to acknowledge obligation regarding our own activities; it was not the drive-through joints that made us fat, rather it was our choice to eat there that did. Well known American culture influences individual dynamic different ways, regardless of whether it is the sort of food we purchase, the music we tune in to, hardware we buy, and even the individuals we date. In this student’s supposition the Internet is the absolute most persuasive mainstream society influencer within recent memory. We use it for everything from dating, shopping, investigating, examining, voyaging, unwinding, thus considerably more. Well known cultureâ affects us in pretty much every choice we make. In spite of the fact that there are a few pieces of mainstream society that makes it into high culture, mainstream society is transient. This article secured culture, mainstream society, three significant patterns in well known American culture and how famous American culture influences individual dynamic. â€Å"Culture is made of everything that empowers man to keep up, upgrade or change without debilitating it, the perfect picture of himself that it has inherited.†(Malraux, 2001) References Malraux, A. (2001, May 2). UCL †Discours recteur Marcel Crochet. Recovered from Oxford English Dictionary. (2012, June). Recovered from Plato. (2012, June 4). Here, There, and Everywhere. Recovered from over/201206/whats-after-30-cites life following death
Friday, August 21, 2020
Psychopathological disorders Essay Example
Psychopathological disarranges Essay Example Psychopathological scatters Essay Psychopathological scatters Essay Psychopathological disarranges are not as basic as different types of sicknesses. In this examination, I will take a gander at the idea of Dissociative character issue with uncommon investigation to the film Sybil.Dissociative personality issue is a state of mind where an individual experiencing it encounters at least two unique characters or characters. In every one of these characters, the individual generally has various examples of seeing data just as interfacing with the general condition. What's more, the turmoil includes irregular memory misfortune. This anomalous memory misfortune is normally alluded as intense Dissociative disorderINTRODUCTION:Psychopathology is a clinical or logical term that alludes to mental upsets or psychological maladjustments. In another specific situation, the term can be utilized to allude to the appearance of trademark practices and additionally encounters that are typically characteristic of mental disability or mental illnesses.In the setting of this paper, I will take a gander at one film and additionally book that have a mental topic. What's more, I will examine the plot just as the trademark highlights of the malady and how it is investigated or performed in the film/book.ANALYSIS: BOOK/MOVIE REVIEW:SYBILThe film Sybil dissects the live of an individual living with Dissociative Identity Disorder. The film rotates around the genuine existence of Shirley Ardell bricklayer. Shirley was conceived in 1923 and passed on in 1998. She was a mental patient, despite the fact that she was a business craftsman. Shirley’s life was reported in a book by the name Sybil and later it was made a film under the equivalent name.The book was composed by vegetation Schreiber and was distributed in 1973. The film by a similar name was adjusted in 1976. The book and film, so as to ensure mason’s security and character utilized the name Sybil Isabel Dorsett.The film featured sally field (Sybil Dorsett), Joanne Woodward (Doctor Corn elia Wilbur), brad Davis (Richard Loomis) among others. The film was coordinated by Daniel Petrie and was selected for the globe awards.The plot layout of the film uncovers the genuine story of an excellent young lady, Sybil Dorsett. Dorset’s kid hood childhood was so damaging, to a point that she grew in excess of twelve distinctive personalities.For motivations behind this paper I, will look break down the film and point out the key issues of Dissociative character issue (in the past different personality’s issue). In this investigation, I will likewise take a gander at the issue of whether the confusion truly exists or it is only a clinical creation.Shirley Mason was conceived and raised in Dodge Center, Minnesota. Inside the early long periods of the 1950s, she was an instructor and an understudy at Columbia University. Bricklayer had experienced for quite a while power outages and passionate breakdowns. After this extensive misery, she at long last entered psychot herapy under the direction of Doctor Cornelia B. Wilbur. Specialist Wilbur was a Freudian therapist. Shirley’s meetings under Wilbur are the center premise of the book and movie.SYBIL:The book and film made the suggestion that Shirley experienced the Dissociative character issue because of a few rates of sexual maltreatment from her mom whom shockingly is conjectured to have been experiencing schizophrenia. Schizophrenia lies on hub one on clinical disarranges. It is arranged in the field of schizophrenia and other insane disorders.Schizophrenia is a mental or clinical conclusion that depicts a psychological sickness that is typically portrayed by observation or articulation of reality disabilities. Much of the time, schizophrenia shows itself as aural mind flights, odd or suspicious hallucinations. It additionally shows itself as disarranged reasoning and discourse coordination issues. There are no research center tests that are as of now accessible to test for schizophrenia .Shirley’s guardians were Mr. Walter Mason and Martha Hageman Mason. Shirley under went treatment for a long time after which she was balanced to live in the general public. After the distribution of the book, Shirley moved to Lexington.COMPARISON WITH OTHER PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL ILLNESSES:Mental issue change contingent upon the hour of analysis as well as the reason for the turmoil. This is the reason analytic frameworks like DSM are utilized so as to encourage the degree of correspondence between experts just as normalizing the rules for diagnosis.In this film Daniel Petrie takes us through genuine parts of character issue to their fullest. By presenting a blend of schizophrenia, endured by Sybil’s mother and the Dissociative character issue that Sybil suffered.In expansion to this Sally Field gives a magnificent honor winning execution when she plays as Sybil, an upset lady who is experiencing a various character issue. Since Sybil was living alone in a condo, she was tormented by various flashbacks and upsetting dreams of her difficult youth. Since she couldn't carry on with a typical life, Sybil met Doctor. Wilbur (Joanne Woodward).Dr Wilbur was a sort hearted specialist who wound up being very committed to help Sybil mend the injuries that were frequenting her. Dr Wilbur had the option to analyze the 16 distinct characters that Sybil was enduring from.CONCLUSION:The Dissociative personality issue, that Shirley is accepted to have experienced isn't normal. Notwithstanding this reality, issues emerged after the distribution of the book that in fact bricklayer never endured structure the turmoil; rather it was an arrangement among her and specialist Wilbur to seal a book deal.Although there are cases of sexual maltreatment these cases are somewhat difficult to check. Ongoing meetings with some of Shirley’s previous companions have uncovered that in fact she had a surprising connection with her mom. On the opposite side of the story in the event that for sure Shirley’s mother was in fact schizophrenic, this at that point convolutes issues further.On the other hand, Schizophrenia, as a psychological issue is extremely difficult to distinguish. This is on the grounds that not except if it is distinguished by individuals or the individual experiencing it tells about it, it can never be recognized. John Nash’s choice to manage the confusion, with the assistance of his significant other is an incredible inspiration to individuals living with the ailment. In spite of the fact that the ailments pervasiveness is very little, it is essential for the more extensive open to acknowledge and help individuals living with the confusion.
Communication Process Worksheet Essay
Consider a misconception you have encountered with someone else at work, school, or in a social insurance condition. Compose your answers in passage structure. 1. Quickly portray the misconception, including the setting and the individuals in question. The misconception I encountered was grinding away, when correspondence was gone between me, my director, and the Pathologist. I was advised to do a specific undertaking by the pathologist, and my supervisor had instructed me to return to my work area and accept calls. I had told my administrator that I’m shouldn't be on the telephone, in light of the fact that I’m doing an extraordinary undertaking for the pathologist. The administrator thought I was lying and she needed to go converse with the pathologist that had educated me concerning the uncommon task. It was later discovered that I was to do the venture after lunch when we for the most part don’t get calls. 2. Complete the accompanying table with data from your depicted misjudging. 3. The discernment model in Ch. 2 of Communicating in the Workplace shows that earlier information and encounters consolidate with your mental state to shape your emotional reality. What was your discernment going into the circumstance? How did your impression of the misconception influence the correspondence procedure? My discernment going into the circumstance was that I needed to begin the undertaking immediately and complete it as quickly as time permits. The venture was my top need. After I finish the venture I would return to my work area and proceed with my activity assignments. My view of the misconception influenced the correspondence procedure by not taking care of business when it ought to have been finished. Believing that I needed to jump on the venture immediately I disregarded my every day work errands. Not doing my every day undertakings would bring about missed significant calls and deferred assignments. With the misconception I would have an inappropriate assignment done at an inappropriate occasions creating accident and turmoil. With missed calls there would be missed demands, concerns, and requests from our customers. The activity would of not run easily that day. In the event that correspondence was comprehended I would of finished my day by day work errands, at that point go o n to completing the venture. 4. In the wake of considering your misconception and breaking down it with what you have realized for the current week, what did you find out about the correspondence procedure? What I found out about correspondence forms is the reality how a message is encoded or decoded to the sender and to the recipient, The manner in which the correspondence procedure works out relies upon how well the message is sent to the collector. Reference Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., and Rios, F. (2010). Conveying in the work environment. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The Effect Of Product Placement In Movies - Free Essay Example
CHAPTER II: Literature Review Product placement Product placement in movies is no new phenomenon as Lehu (2007), describes product placement as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the location or more accurately the integration of a product or a brand into a film or televised series.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? This form of advertising has been around for sometime although its not traditional advertising it speaks to an audience in a different form of communication which is either in your face or subliminal messages. Product placement comes in a number of different forms including visual, audio and a combination of the two combined. Visual product placement Is a visual representation of a brand in a movie, This includes strategically positioning a brand in the background or being used by the actor of a scene, displaying a billboard or some other form of visual advertisement in a scene, and any other visual representation of a brand-name product à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“without any relevant message or sounds on the audio track which draw attention to the productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? ( Gupta Lord, 1998). An example of this is Daniel Craig using a Sony Vaio in the movie Casino Royal (2006). See Appendix A. Audio representation of a brand can be the mention of the product in script but not necessarily shown on screen for example the movie Wall Street (1987) where Martin Sheenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s character says to a server, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Get this kid a Molson Lightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Gupta Lord, 1998). In combining these two formats Gupta and Lord (1998) defines audio-visual placement as the visual appearance of a brand with a verbal mention of the brand name or a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“brand- relevant messageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? for example à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas is seen and talked about in the movie Oceans elevenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (2001) (Lehu 2007). Product placement, as a marketing tool, has many advantages due to its captive audience, the social nature that it is being viewed in and the lack of clutter, such as other advertisements (Dunnett Hoek, 1996). This form of communication is described as being an effective technique as Jhonson (2009) explains à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“For subliminal suggestion to be effective an individual must be relaxed and open to suggestion. The subconscious mind is more open to suggestion when a person is relaxed.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? This practice has not gone without controversy, however, as its use is often debated by moviegoers and media experts. While some moviegoers feel that the use of product placement enhances a film by adding to its realism (Govani 1999). Others see the practice as an invasive one that sews itself a new seam in the blanket of brands that covers a strong consumer-based society (Phillips Purdie 1993). Some supporters of the practice argue that product placement allows them to relate to the characters (DeLorme, Reid, Zimmer, 1999) Product placement strategy Strategy Dates back a few decades, in an example where Joan Crawford is drinking Jack Daniels whisky in the 1945 production Mildred pierce (Wasko 1995). Back in these earlier times product placement was a casual affair, property masters would contact a local Jack Daniels distributer asking for the product to be used in the film. Today the product placement is more deliberate and sophisticated, Divisions dedicated to paying to have their goods inserted strategically into movies are of the norm for large corporations this is to gain access to what is seen as a glamorous medium with a relatively captive audience. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are amongst a number of companies who have formed in house divisions dedicated directly to product placement or Hollywood advertising (Wasko 1995). The belief of companies associated with product placement is that if a movie grosses $50 million, the advertiser has reached an audience of 13.7 million in theatre viewers, assuming this the movie will likely sell in DVDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Sà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢/Videos adding additional impressions per placement along with celebrity credibility bought by the use of the product. (Wasko 1995). Kardes (2008) adds to the argument by stating that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When a brand is shown in a movie it is definitely seen but a broadcast commercial can be skipped via the fast forward button on a DVR.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? However narrative coherence can be disrupted by strategies used to market products. Music videos related to films is used as an example The promotion of some features is helped by the use of videos featuring music from the film, examples include Flashdance (1983) , Footloose (1984), Purple Rain (1984), staying alive (1983) and The Bodyguard (1992) (King 2002). In these films the excess creat ed by the conjunction of music and image creates a module separate from the narrative, working against the sequential structuring of the film. Product placement within the Hollywood film industry Product placement increased dramatically since the appearance of Reeseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Pieces in the 1982 Movie E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial caused the sales of the product to increase by 68%. (Balasubramanian et al 2006). Today product placement in movies is highly noticeable. In the film Minority Report (2002) at least 15 brands where placed, including Nokia, Pepsi and Lexus. In Die Another Day (2002) there were cameos from Jaguar, Aston Martin and Thunderbird, which are all owned by the Ford motor group (Jobber 2004). However alongside soft drinks one of the most common products placed in movies are cars. BMW invested  £20 million on the placement of its Z3 roadster within the movie Goldeneye (1995) and the use of other advertising media to support the placement and create awareness (Fill 2005) Gupta and lord (1998) focus on studies concerning recall of brands placed within movies that have been undertaken; they found that prominent placements achieved higher levels of recall. Morton and Friedman (2002) mention that any contact with a brand in a film will help influence purchasing decisions. It is argued by Joachimsthaler and Aker (1997) that visibility of brands are underestimated as it signals leadership, quality and success, people like to know brands even if they have never used them. This appears to indicate that the primary benefit of placement in movies is the increase of brand recognition. Consumer behaviour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups or organisations and the process they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Sharma, A. 2006). The study of consumer behaviour helps organisations improve their marketing strategies by understanding the psychology behind consumer thoughts, feelings and by understanding his or her environment all which have an effect on the action towards a brand or product. Tyagi and Kumar (2004) state that there is a relationship between consumer behaviour and his attitudes, communication with him and how to motivate him. Family, social and cultural dimensions of consumer behaviour have a role to play. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Product placement isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t about sales ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s about brand awareness claims expert Samuel Turcotte.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Galician 2004). Whilst awareness may be generated attitudes and perception also start to form towards the brand. Attitude formation can be on the bases of cognitive responses to stimuli or information of other sources; cognitive thoughts are responses we have to a communication. Positive thoughts will generally have a positive affect on attitudes whereas negative thoughts will have negative attitude formation (Hoyer Macinnis, 2008). Age has another implication on attitudes and perceptions of product placement. In their 1999 study, DeLorme, Reid, and Zimmer interviewed younger audiences (aged 18-21) and older audiences (aged 35-48) in a bid to compare different views on product placement. A number of focus groups resulted in the finding of distinct and diverse perspectives among many of the study samples. According to their research, (DeLorme, Reid, and Zimmer 1999) found that older audiences generally perceive product placements as implications of a changing society and the current use of product placement was an indication of a major cultural shift, according to the study older moviegoers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“associated brand props with feelings of insecurity, frustration, and fear of changeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (DeLorme, Reid, Zimmer, 1999, p.24) various examples of such feelings were provided. On the other hand younger moviegoers perceive product placement as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Associated with an invitation to cultural belon ging and feelings of emotional security.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (DeLorme, Reid, Zimmer, 1999, p. 28) The younger generation grew up in a consumer-based society that is bombarded with advertisements and other promotional items, the younger generation does not generally place a heavy emphasis on product placements. However viewers are generally positive about the placement of product in movies. GÃÆ' ¼nnemann (2008) explains that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“product placement for the automobile industry can positively affect consumerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s perception of certain automobile brands image as a purchasing factor.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? He also looked at preference of product placement over advertising for automobiles, which showed European consumers have greater preference of product placement than their American and Asian counterparts where as American consumers on the other hand are the strongest proponents of product placement being more authentic than advertising, whilst Asian consumers have the lowest value in both categories. A study by Nebenzahl, Secunda (1993) on the attitude of film audiences showed that the majority of those interviewed preferred product placement over other forms of promotions because it was unobtrusively integrated into the film. The small minority who object are on ethical grounds. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“They perceive product placement as a clandestine approach which deludes the consumer and they believe this practice should be forbidden.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Pattyn, 2000). Brand Association: Contexts and Celebrities Williams (2004) shows that placements are contextually integrated and therefore are non-invasive, placement are therefore seen as an experience rather than an advertisement. Contextual integration can be achieved by product placement through character development and plot advancement in films, and product placement can also offer the chance of celebrity endorsement. Nelson and McLeod (2005) show that the credibility of an advertisement depends on the sources credibility; differing views on differing sources can alter the way in which a brand is perceived. The use of celebrities has the ability to influence the source credibility of a brand (Sawyer 2006). This can be achieved by tapping into the celebrityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"equityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (Zyman 2002). Such use of celebrities or actors enables their personality to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"rub offà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ on the product. (Rust and Varki 1996). This will have the effect of enhancing the brand personality. The us e of a highly credible and recognised person can therefore influence levels of expertise and trust worthiness. Ohanian (1991) found that the perceived expertise of celebrityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s actually increased purchase intentions, even though the celebrity may have no actual knowledge of the product. It appears here that the product placement allows the attractiveness of a brand to be increased through association with a particular individual, even if that individual would have little actual knowledge or expertise in relation to the product or brand. Ethicality behind product placement Gupta and Gould (1997) define ethically-charged products (or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“emotionally charged productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?) as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“products which especially arouse ethical concern and differences across consumers regarding their marketing and consumptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? the practice of product placement is sometimes referred to as unethical since audiences are rarely informed that they are watching paid advertising when they presume they are watching creative programming à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“playing on peoples susceptibilityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Plaisance 2009). The common ethical concern in many articles is the notion that product placement constitutes a form of subliminal advertising, since products are integrated into films, but no disclaimer is present that warns the viewer of any form of advertising in the film (Gupta Gould, 1997; Snyder, 1992; Nebenzahl Secunda,1993). The practice of product placement could be described as misleading as advertiserà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s interest and intention to influence the viewer may be concealed behind something else, in the case of movies, the context of the story. Among the most controversial subjects, however, is the use of ethically-charged products in film. The most common discussed are the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and guns, this due to the potentially harmful implications their exposure can have on someone. A 1997 study shows some individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ impressions of such placements in films. The study measures undergraduate college studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ views regarding the acceptability of placing cigarettes, alcohol, and guns in movies. Results indicate that the acceptability of cigarettes, alcohol, and guns are 41.3%, 60.3%, and 38.7%, respectively (Gupta Gould, 1997). There is much concern over cigarette brandsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ being placed in movies, a common argument cites a mandate made and enforced by the United States Surgeon General. It requires that all cigarette ads feature a health warning, making known the productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ potential hazards to the viewer. Surgeon General health warnings, however, are not found on films that feature these placements (Basil, 1997). Another common concern is that the use of these products will encourage the movieà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s viewers to adopt smoking as a habit. (Basil 1997) and Everett, Schnuth, and Tribble (1998) cite Social Cognitive Theory in their respective articles. This states that through observation we learn a lot. Since moviegoers are actors smoking cigarettes (and in some cases adopting specific brands), and since this is usually portrayed in movies as glamorous the moviegoers may possibly be drawn to the habit (Basil,1997; Everett, Schnuth, Tribble, 1998). Research objectives Investigate attitudes, perceptions and beliefs of viewers towards products and brands after exposure to product placement in movies. Analyse viewers opinions on the ethical issues of product placement in movies. Examine the role of products in movies as a strategic marketing tool. CHAPTER III: Methodology This chapter refines and justifies the methodology deployed in this study. The process for gathering data focused more on that of a qualitative strategy however a quantitative means was also implemented, with the focus on consumer research and understanding consumer thoughts and feelings. The research identified issues such as why consumers have the attitude or perception towards a product or brand which they have experienced through viewing product placement in movies, underlining issues such as acknowledgement, deciphering the message, and even perceptions and attitudes that are based on emotional and cultural feelings à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“sometimes we have a favourable attitude toward an offering simply because it feels good or seems rightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Hoyer Macinnis 2008). The quantitative approach was in the form of a questionnaire distributed to 18-25 year olds, the questionnaires allowed data from the focus groups to be tested and extended by from input from a wider range of participents, results are discussed in chapter 4. Qualitative approach à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Focus groups Focus groups are a form of group interviewing that allows data to be generated through the benefit of communication between research participants (Pope Mays). The qualitative approach was incorporated because of its ability to capitalise on group interaction that provided distinctive types of data. This study is based on consumer attitude and perceptions towards products placement and arising ethical issues, therefore it is only suited that this approach was used as it allows for deeper discussion to take place with point of views coming across from different backgrounds and cultural values and group norms are emphasised. using a qualitative focus groups would produce a greater depth of information rather than just relying on the questionaire with pre-determined responses The two focus groups were used to achieve the following: Investigate attitudes, perceptions and beliefs of viewers towards products and brands after exposure to product placement in movies. Analyse viewers opinions on the ethical issues of product placement in movies. Participants Two focus groups were conducted in an attempt to gather data on consumer attitudes and perceptions and the other on a discussion around ethics. Both focus groups followed the same procedure however groups were split into two, Group A and Group B. This was done to ensure that every subject got the chance to participate and wasnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t overshadowed by the over enthusiastic; small groups offer more of an opportunity for people to talk and are more practical to set up and manage (Litosseliti 2003). 6 individuals were selected for each group, Participants from Both Group A and B were selected on the bases of being from different cultural backgrounds and being socially connected. This is because it is important to understand that cultural backgrounds can have an effect on opinions, and it maximises the possibility of exploring the subject from different perspectives (Kitzinger 1995 cited in Litosseliti 2003 P4). It was important for participants to be socially connected to ensu re good group dynamics, this helped the participants be more comfortable and open towards discussion. The selection criteria was18-25 male and females, Gupta and Gould (1997) noted that many products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“possess gender identificationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (p.39). The researchers hypothesized that males generate more favourable responses to products that are depicted as possessing masculine qualities. Therefore the ratio of male to female will be 50:50. This will allow data to be gathered and discussed from both point of views. The advantages of focus groups as shown by Patton (1990) are the checking that takes place within the group that eliminates false views and it is easy to establish consistent views. Group A focused on discussion and questions targeted towards viewers attitudes and perceptions whilst Group B was a discussion on ethical issues. Both groups were shown two movies in one sitting this was time efficient as opposed to showing both movies twice. The movies shown were Iron Man 2 (2010) and Transformers (2007), the movies were chosen for the large amount of products placed with over 45 placements in each movie. The movies were shown in whole as opposed to clips containing products placed, this was to show the product placements in the context of the movie rather than showing clips where the products were dominant. Showing clips of the movie where products were dominant would have emphasised on the product this could have misrepresent the findings as the goal was to evaluate them within the who le movie experience. At the end of both movies the discussion commenced on consumer attitudes and perceptions with Group A, followed by the discussion with Group B on ethical issues. Participents were encouraged to use product placement in other movies as well as the two shown as examples for discussion if they could recall them and the discussion was not based entirely on the movies shown. This allowed participents to discuss product placement that may have been potryaed in a different fashion for example: the use of different actors, characters or setting. It was taken into consideration that the time difference between conducted Group A and B could have an impact on the level of debate given that Group B had to wait, however all participants were University students on the same campus and the study was conducted on University grounds giving the other group time to go elsewhere and continue with other activities whilst they waited. There were a set number of questions used for each focus group and Each individual was required to participate and provide some input to increase the depth of discussion. A simple format of question then discussion was used, questions that arose from discussion would keep the conversation flowing. Conversation flowed freely in order to discover what the subjects found to be interesting and to explore wider attitudes but conversation was re-directed by the moderator when it was felt to be unproductive or pointless (Bryman 2004). It was made clear to participants prior to the discussion that there was no right or wrong answer in an effort to remove social desirability, what the respondent thinks they should say rather than feel (Black 1999). Both discussions were recorded using a CD recorder and were later analysed with key points noted for each discussion. A full play by play transcription was not practical due to the large amount of dialogue and it is felt that a full transcript woul d have broken up narrative flow, however a shorter version of the transcript highlighting key points and questions asked is available in the appendix (())))) by noting key points only it is felt that analysing content is much easier, Bryman (2001) claims that transcribing and coding leads to a loss of context. Quantitative research Questionnaires Questionnaires allow the participant to respond to a set number of questions, questions can be open ended or closed ended, and for the purpose of this particular research aspect closed ended questions were used. A closed ended question is amicable when the dimensions of a variable have been diagnosed. Closed ended questions expose participants to the same response categories and allow standardized quantitative statistical analysis (Johnson Christensen 2010). The purpose of the questionnaire was to expand further on the data that was concluded from the focus groups (this will be discussed further in chapter 4). The questionaires focused on getting participant responses for the purpose of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"conformatory researchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (Johnson Christensen 2010) in which specific data from the focus groups was tested. This gave the results more creadability and the questionnaire would allow the study to benefit from areas of investigation that the focus groups may have failed to answer or provide enough information on. 100 questionnaires were distributed around university campuses as this was the most convienent location to find participents that meet the 18-25 demographic, however it was guaranteed that that all participents would be of the age 15 questions were composed and pre, the questionnaire can be viewed in the appendix (p)))) One to one interviews Interviews will aim to meet objective The research method that will be used here is one to one interviews with either product placement agencies or companies such as Sony. These interviews will be telephone based as availability to meet face to face with businesses is a little tricky given the time frame. Given the tendency for businesses to turn down students the agency or business that is to be selected will depend on the rate at which each representative replies. The Interviews will allow these companies to convey product placement from a strategic point of view and explain the practice from their own situation, perspective and in their own words. The interviews are based on not only conversation of product placement but with an aim to generate responses from the interviewee on intended consumer behaviour. The procedure will be to follow a script for the interview investigation which can be outlined by characterising a methodological awareness of questions, a focus on the dynamics of interaction between interviewer and interviewee, and also critical attention to what is said. CHAPTER IV: Results, analysis and discussion Introduction This chapter will focus on presenting and discussing the findings from the research conducted. Due to the large amount of field work that was employed for the purpose of the study, results from both the focus groups and the questionnaires will be compared and contrasted leading to the denouement of the findings. Analysis will be based on the most pertinent data that was found. qualitative researchers needs to communicate the findings in an honest and systematic manner, disseminating the richness of the findings and hence the experience of the researchers. (Easterby-Smith et al. 2002). Discussion has been categorised in three sections, each section will address the research objectives of this study and how the findings have helped in achieving those objectives. Attitudes and perceptions towards product placement will be analysed and discussed first highlighting the points that were extracted from both quantitative and qualitative research, followed by the discussion on ethical issues towards product placement practice. Finally the interview with the industry specialist will be discussed, analysing the role of product placement in moves as a strategic marketing tool. The data that formed this discussion can be viewed in the appendix ( ) Consumer attitudes and perceptions The first area of study was the attitudes and perceptions of viewers between the ages of 18-25 towards product placement in Hollywood movies and the products or brands that are being placed. Brand recall The first focus group identified that it was hard to recall a lot of the products that were placed within the movies. It was felt that this is because of the large amount of placements in the movies to begin with. participants claimed that they could only recall the placements that were dominant and showed a stronger on screen presence than other brands or products. Amongst the placements that were most effective were car brands, it was made clear that cars were amongst the top to be noticed because its repetition in the movies made it a strong focus of the overall viewing experience. The most noticeable examples were Audi in Iron Man 2 and Cadillac in Transformers. brands in other movies were also identified as being memorable such as Toyota In fast and furious and Aston Martin in Die Another Day. Brands that somehow were incorporated into the story of the movie had greater recognition; this is because they stood out more. As mentioned in chapter 2, prominent placements achieve high er levels of recall in movies (Gupta and lord 1998). Other placements that were regarded as being effective in terms of prominence were those that had audio presence as well as physical, Oracle and Vanity Affair from Iron Man 2 where amongst the ones that were recalled. Participants revealed that the audio presence and physical presence (placement being used) generated more attention as opposed to having a brand name in the foreground. A combined 66%percent of the respondents to the questionnaire that was carried out following the focus group agreed that products stand out more when a character uses or mentions the product/brand (see table.1). Whilst the recall of a brand is an important factor in how effective the placement is, the pace or complexity of the movie can cause a distraction from the placements. The focus group suggested that some of the placements were lost due to the pace of the movies shown. One participant commented that placements in the background of slower paced movies were more effective than those placed in action movies or those with a faster pace. It was later commented that products placed within faster paced movies needed to be emphasised on more to be noticed. It therefore appears that the genre of the movie will have an effect on the product placement with in it. The research suggests that viewers will have difficulty to recall brands/products that are placed in the background or foreground of a fast past movie. However if a product is used or mentioned by a character then this increases the chances of the viewer recall. On the other hand placements within slower paced movies are easier to recal l increasing brand awareness. This indicates that positioning of the product is a valuable consideration when the goal is to increase awareness Attitude product placement The overall suggestion from this study in regards to attitudes towards product placement within the movie is that the group members strongly appreciated the presence of products within movies. The research suggests that viewers acceptability of product placement within movies is on the basis that it enhances the realism of the movie by combining products that are seen on a daily bases. One example of this found in the Movie Iron Man 2 with the insertion of CNN and Larry King, the focus group agreed that these placements gave them the feeling that the event of the movie was taking place in our world as appose to a fantasy setting. They felt that these types of placements amplified the movies realism. The group compared the differences between having placements in movie to not having any. The findings suggested that having no product placement or having fictitious products in a movie reflected on the setting of the movie, it would create a fantasy world for viewers which was fine if it was a movie in the category of Lord of the Rings or Avatar. Williams (2004) suggested that product placements are contextually integrated into movies. Therefore It is important to note that placements are deemed to be acceptable by viewers because of the reflection these products have on real life. In the survey questionnaire that was carried out, a combined 63 out of 100 respondents agreed and strongly agreed that placements add to the realism of the movie (see table.2). TABLE 2: Viewers opinion on products adding realism to movies This confirms the findings from the focus group; however there are a large number of respondents that validate that they disagree with the statement. It is mentioned in the literature that some see product placement practice as an invasive one that sews itself a new seam in the blanket of brands that covers a strong consumer-based society (Phillips Purdie 1993). This is one suggestion as to why respondents to the survey questions may have disagreed. It could be argued that some viewers find placements invasive. however the findings from the focus group indicates that whilst placements add realism, the ones that appear without contributing to the story line or are emphasised in a way that seems to be out of context in regards to the movie can be described as annoying or blatant advertising. The views of the group were not that this was invasive but more or on the line of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"annoyingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Examples that were noticeable were the Panasonic placement in Transform ers. In a scene that was devoted to show a Branded memory chip, the character tilts the product towards the camera revealing the brand name. It was suggested that this had no association to the story line nor was it placed to emphasis realism; one participant described it as being à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"an obvious plugà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. The common theme was the emphasis on the annoyance of pushy advertising, this research commends Balsubramanian et al (2006) who suggested that blatant placements have the ability to irritate. Therefore if product placement is to appear, the product needs to contribute to the content of the movie in order to generate positive attitudes and acceptability from the viewers. But it is important to distinguish between attitudes towards product placement practice (discussed here) and attitudes towards the brands being placed. This leads us to the next area of this study. Attitudes and perception towards brands In the previous paragraph we discussed the attitudes towards product placement; we will now discuss viewer attitudes and perceptions towards the product/brands that are placed. A common theme that was identified from the focus group discussion was that viewers did not generate a positive or negative attitude towards a product or brand because of the way it was placed in the movie. The findings from this study suggest that whilst awareness was created there was little change in attitudes towards the brands that were placed. one viewer generated a positive attitude towards the use of the Everlast in Iron Man 2 in a scene where Robert Downey Jr is boxing whilst exhibiting the branded clothing. The viewer associated with the brand being an athlete herself, she revealed that the character slightly altered her perceptions of the brand because they shared similar interests. This can relate back to the discussion on placements aiding realism. By placing products in the context of the story it would appear that product placement can be targeted to specific audiences as a means of creating brand awareness. Another example was the recall of The Dodge Charger in fast a nd furious one participant claimed that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Vin Dieselà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s character made the car look coolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Whilst it was made clear that this wouldnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t directly affect purchase behaviour, it did alter the perception towards the brand. It would appear that different attitudes and perception were on the basis of personal experience, preference and interest towards a brand or character and not to the consistency or the way the product is placed. This is an important factor to consider in effective product placement, considering that the primary objective is to increase awareness. careful thinking is required in creating placements that viewers have a personal preference towards, however this is a difficult task given that each individuals thinking process is different. Results from the survey questionnaire confirm this statement, respondents exhibited mixed opinions when prompted with the following two statements The character or actor using the product has a positive effect on my perceptions of that product. If I have a bad experience with a product I will generally have a negative attitude towards the product regardless of how it is placed in a movie. The research indicates that there was a clash of opinions with a combined. A consideration to the different cultures and social backgrounds must be taken into account and whilst the focus group was cultraly diverse, opinions were still based on a small number of participents compared to the large number covered by the survey questionaire. The findings indicate that the magnitude of this type of study is extremely large. the psycology of the consumer in regards to brand attitudes and perceptions will differ and will depend on the different experiences of the individuals as explained earlier. It is apparent that although placements witin movies do create awarenss attitudes are shaped by personal desires and preferences rather than the placements themselves. Therefore it can be said that advertising messages outside of those appearing in films and affects the ability of product placements to influence brand attitudes and perceptions Ethicality issues This area of the study aims to discuss the ethicality issues that 18-25 year olds have concerning product placement in movies. This is categorised in two sections, first is the acceptance of subliminal messages that product placement in movies brings and the second is the ethically charged products. Subliminal theory is described by ( ) as the perception of messages through your subconscious or unconscious mind. It is the goal of marketers to target consumers through the subconscious mind, and this is incorporated into movies to alter viewer perceptions. However as discussed in section ( )) the viewer is very conscious to the placements in the movies and therefore is not affected subconsciously by product placements. However one participant from the focus group stated that many of the brands may not have been recalled had it not been for this study. However it must also be taken into to consideration that majority of the group was educated towards the practice of product placement. The group identified that they understood that the placements are paid messages designed to target consumers within the movie experience. Participants didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t really classify the placements as subliminal messages, as it was earlier discussed that viewersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ acceptability of the placements was on the basis of them adding realism. It was clear to participants that this was advertising and therefore was deemed to be considered on par with other commercials in everyday life. Participants declared that if product placements in movies were subliminal messages than they would not be aware of the principles that were involved which would lead to an attitude or behavioural change. However it was distinguished in section (()) that there was little changes in attitudes and behaviour and any change that were present was due to traits and preferences. This then debates the statement made by ( ) that subliminal stimuli allows advertisers to penetrate the viewerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s defence without their awareness. the survey questionnaire would add further creadability to this research as seen in Table 5 Do you think Product placement in movies is unethical because we are being shown commercials within the context of the movie? Table 5: opinions on product placement as a commercial in movies. It is clear that respondants agreed with the focus group, it is suggested that this is because younger veiwers are more open to media the viewing of product placement fits more into the category of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"experiential consumptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ rather than à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"entertainment marketingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (Hackley and Tiwsakul 2006). Viewers experience the brands as part of the movie and therefore would fit into this category.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Quarter Wit, Quarter Wisdom Using the Deviation Method for Weighted Averages
We have discussed how to use the deviation method to find the arithmetic mean of numbers. It is very useful in cases where the numbers are huge, as it considerably brings down the calculation time. The same method can be applied to weighted averages, as well. Let’s look at an example very similar to the one we examined when we were working on deviations in the case of arithmetic means: What is the average of 452, 452, 453, 460, 467, 480, 499, 499, 504? What would you say the average is here? Perhaps, around 470? Shortfall: We have two 452s 452 is 18 less than 470. 453 is 17 less than 470. 460 is 10 less than 470. 467 is 3 less than 470. Overall, the numbers less than 470 are (2*18) + 17 + 10 + 3 = 66 less than 470. Excess: 480 is 10 more than 470. We have two 499s 499 is 29 more than 470. 504 is 34 more than 470. Overall, the numbers more than 470 are 10 + (2*29) + 34 = 102 more than 470. The shortfall is not balanced by the excess; there is an excess of 102-66 = 36. So what is the average? If we assume that the average of these 9 numbers is 470, there will be an excess of 36. We need to distribute this excess evenly among all of the numbers, and hence, the average will increase by 36/9 = 4. Therefore, the required mean is 470 + 4 = 474. (If we had assumed the mean to be 474, the shortfall would have balanced the excess.) This method is used in exactly the same way when we have a simple average as when we have a weighted average. The reason we are reviewing it is that it can be very handy in weighted average questions involving more than two quantities. We often deal with questions on weighted averages involving two quantities using the scale method. Let’s see how to use the deviation method for more than 2 quantities on an official GMAT question: Three grades of milk are 1 percent, 2 percent and 3 percent fat by volume. If x gallons of the 1 percent grade, y gallons of the 2 percent grade, and z gallons of the 3 percent grade are mixed to give x+y+z gallons of a 1.5 percent grade, what is x in terms of y and z? (A) y + 3z (B) (y +z) / 4 (C) 2y + 3z (D) 3y + z (E) 3y + 4.5z Grade 1 milk contains 1% fat. Grade 2 milk contains 2% fat. Grade 3 milk contains 3% fat. The mixture of all three contains 1.5% fat. So, grade 1 milk provides the shortfall and grades 2 and 3 milk provide the excess. Shortfall = x*(1.5 1) Excess = y*(2 1.5) + z*(3 1.5) Since 1.5 is the actual average, the shortfall = the excess. x*(1.5 1) = y*(2 1.5) + z*(3 1.5) x/2 = y/2 + 3z/2 x = y + 3z And there you have it the answer is A. We easily used deviations here to arrive at the relation. It’s good to have this method useful for both simple averages and weighted averages in your GMAT toolkit. Getting ready to take the GMAT? We have free online GMAT seminars running all the time. And, be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Google+, and Twitter! Karishma, a Computer Engineer with a keen interest in alternative Mathematical approaches, has mentored students in the continents of Asia, Europe and North America. She teaches the GMAT for Veritas Prep and regularly participates in content development projects such as this blog!
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Biography Of John Calvin s Life - 1591 Words
Calvinism John Calvin was born in Noyon, France on July 10, 1509. (John Calvin, 2015) According to my readings, Calvin was found to be incredibly intelligent when he was a very young boy. In fact he entered college in Paris, when he was only fourteen! (John Calvin, 2015) I am now 31 and just graduating with my two year degree LOL, I cannot imagine starting at fourteen, but if I could have gotten my Master’s Degree by 18, it may have been worth it! Upon receiving his Masters of Arts Degree, his Father talked him into getting into studying law. (John Calvin, 2015) Well Calvin turned 21, and started studying God’s word. At this point, he really wasn’t interested in pursuing a career in law anymore, although he did receive his Doctorate degree. (John Calvin, 2015) I am guessing he just did it to please his Father, obviously money was not an issue in his life, because a career in the area of law is much more prosperous than a career in religion LOL! Calvin decided his true desire in life was to study and understand the scriptures of the good book. (John Calvin, 2015) He started studying the words in the Bible, and a lightbulb clicked on, â€Å"Hey something is not adding up here, what I am reading here in this book, is not what the Catholic Church is preaching.†He hopped on the bandwagon others that were pushing for the church to â€Å"reform and renew†. (John Calvin, 2015) This was apparently not the best of ideas, and eventually he was persecuted, and he was forced to run away fromShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance : The Age Of Rebirth1426 Words  | 6 PagesThe Renaissance was from the 1300’s to the 1500’s. It started towards the end of the middle ages and the dark ages. It began after the Crusades when the Crusaders came back. The Renaissance was the age of rebirth. The age that consisted of many wonderful things including trade, art, science, architecture, religion, learning, and inventions. The biggest thing though was the trade. 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The Broken American Dream Exposed in The Jungle by Upton...
Sinclairs novel is meant to entirely reject the capitalist system and to bring in its place a socialist system. In this novel, capitalism and its exploitation of the immigrants and other workers, are in fact shown to be tools of the capitalist bosses, used as another means to control and mislead them. In Sinclairs novel the broken dreams of Jurgis Rudkis and his fellow Lithuanian immigrants, unions are meant to be institutions which give false hope to the workers. They live in utterly dreadful circumstances and are exploited like animals by their capitalist bosses. The women are forced to work at an inhuman pace, lose money if they cannot, and then fired if the complain. (106). And the men in the packinghouses like slaves in hell. When†¦show more content†¦With respect to those inspectors, Sinclair is at times blatant in his disapproval, but is other tomes subtle as he shows life through the still-rose-colored glasses of Jurgis, If you were a social person, [the inspector] w as quite willing to enter into conversation with you, and to explain to you the deadly nature of the ptomaines which are in tubercular pork; and while he was talking with you, you could hardly be so ungrateful as to notice that a dozen carcasses were passing by untouched (41). Ofcourse, the inspectors were being paid off by the packers not to inspect. From politics to inspections to unions, Sinclair shows nothing but corruption and inhumane cruelty. With respect to the immigrants and their working and living conditions, the author shows nothing but suffering and exploitation. Coming from a socialist perspective, to show unions as anything but ineffective at best, and as manipulative tools of the capitalists at worst, would have been for Sinclair to have undercut his own goals. He did not seek with his book merely to reform the packinghouse, or to strengthen unions, or to bring about what he was as superficial improvements in the capitalist system. He sought instead to entirely replace capitalism with socialism. The unions in the book are meant to serve as a means whereby Jurgis can begin to believe that he can make a difference in his life and in his working conditions. At first he acceptsShow MoreRelatedThe American Of American History4245 Words  | 17 PagesLearning about American history is an extremely fascinating topic. It’s intriguing how our great nation developed and changed throughout history. From wars to treaties, it’s all essential in understanding how our nation has grown to be what it is now. In our ever growing society today, immigrants are migrating to this nation with hopes and dreams. Hopes and dreams that lead them to live a better and more prosperous life. The United States of America is known as big â€Å"melting pot†. This melting potRead MoreAnalysis Of Upton Sinclair s The Grapes Of Wrath 3839 Words  | 16 Pagesbetween social rankings, establishing an unbreakable cycle of poverty. The idyllic ethos of the American Dream, a belief that one will achieve success through hard work and opportunity, prove to be a fallacious, hollow and vague ambition that cannot be attained. Paradigms that exploit the plight of the â€Å"American worker†beginning in the early nineteen hundreds include muckraker Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. The quandaries that plague the characters of the aforementionedRead MoreFeminine Mystique12173 Words  | 49 Pageshappened? When did women decide to give up the world and go back home? Friedan asked herself. Questions like those have engaged historians since the 1970s, but they were not ones housewives of the 1950s were encouraged to ask. For a red-blooded American to doubt something as sacred as the role of housewife and mother was to show symptoms of mental disorder rather than a skeptical or inquiring mind. Whatever the label attached to such feelings  neurosis, anxiety, or depression  most people assumed
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Technology in Education - 690 Words
One of the most controversial issues of education in the 21st century is technology. Educators and parents across the nation debate whether to let technology into classrooms. And if so, how? Technology should be introduced into education through the program most commonly referred to as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). The idea of BYOD is to have students bring their own phones, tablets and computers to school. Technology is a much more engaging, and educational than standard supplies. Mobile technology exists all around us. This is especially true for students. Unlike adults, these kids have grown up in technology and have used it their whole lives. Mr. Schad, who started the program in a school district near Houston, puts it like this, On a smartphone, there are no limitations. This is the world they live in, and were bringing it into the classroom. Classroom still use very outdated technology. Some schools are still trying to buy a school set of computers. Even this becomes hard after a multitude of budget cuts hit schools this past year. BYOD is a much cheaper way to approach the technological issue. Instead of buying new devices, schools can take advantage of already owned products. If a student can not afford their own device, then schools can work with that family to formulate a solution to the specific issue. Some people may argue that it can be easy to break tablets and phones. However, the schools do not have any liability on these kids devices. Since it is thereShow MoreRelatedEducation And Technology : Technology And Education946 Words  | 4 PagesEducation and Technology Technology has become a major component in the system of education. Technology and education in the U.S. has changed the way people learn nowadays. Being on the 21st century the lives of people have changed immensely due to a high increase in technology inventions. Communication definitely has evolved in so many ways with the newer technology being used. In the 1980’s an enthusiast named Seymour Papert predicted that computers would allow learners to construct and test hypothesisRead MoreTechnology : Technology And Education1702 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology and Education In today’s society, technology has become the world. Technology is shaping the world and many people are using it for its convenience. Technology has changed tremendously that it is now being incorporated into the educational system. Heidi Hayes Jacobs, an author and world renowned education leader stated that, â€Å"Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event†. Technology should help enhanceRead MoreTechnology In Education825 Words  | 4 Pages Technology has revolutionized the human experience by changing the way one learns. Technology can best be defined as a tool that supports and promotes human learning. This can be seen through the usage of calculators, tablets (example: iPad), Smart Boards, video cameras, and, of course, the computer. These are all innovations that can have a profound impact on classroom learning. Although there are some schools that have a strict polic y that technology should be removed from the modern day classroomRead MoreTechnology In Education1406 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology is such an intrinsic part of everyday life that it would be difficult to imagine society with it. In many ways, the prevalence of technology in environments such as homes, offices, hospitals, labs, and ________ is one of the defining aspects of the current, modern era. The frequent users of technological appliances would state that they make life easier, with the gadgets’ ability to process information quickly and present it in several acceptable formats. With all these benefits, it wouldRead MoreOn Education and Education Technology Essay1496 Words  | 6 Pagestheir professors. Some of this online education software also allows for additional collaboration and learning tools. eLearning software is becoming increasingly important, and is nearly essential for modern education in the digital age. However, this technology is largely unrefined and as such, has problems; problems that can be overcome. Since the popularity and ubiquity of the internet, eLearning software has become relatively commonplace in the education world. An eLearning platform can be foundRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education And Education Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pages Education has evolved tremendously over the past centuries. From one room school houses, segregated schools, to public and private schools, forms of education and how we receive it are always changing. In the past decade, technology has become a large part of education and schooling. Views on types of schooling and education are changing rapidly. Videos and articles can be found all over the Internet on basically any subject you can think of. Much of today’s schooling is done through online classesRead MoreTechnology Benefits Education : Technology2523 Words  | 11 PagesRyan James English 2/3/2015 Senior Paper Technology Benefits Education Technology is on the rise, as technology increases in the world and becomes the most used element students are still told to use the old style of learning. As a student myself technology would have been extremely beneficial to us as students making reports, essays, projects, and etc much easier. Students of the twenty-first century have the capability to use such technology, making schooling and learning a much more enjoyableRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education And Education1820 Words  | 8 PagesMay, 2017. The Benefits of Technology in Education According to Thomas Jefferson, â€Å"If the children are untaught, their ignorance and vices will in future life cost us much dearer in their consequences than it would have done in their correction by a good education†(Vasudeva).Technology has impacted every aspect of most people’s life and education is no exception (Purdue). The education process has evolved as more people make use of technological devices and so education no longer starts or ends inRead MoreModern Technology And Education : Education2041 Words  | 9 PagesModern Technology and Education Education has changed significantly in the last twenty years. One of the main reasons education has undergone so many changes is because of technological development. In today’s society the impact of technology on education has played a vital role in every realm of everyday life and with that education is no exception. The emergence of technology has had a profound impacted to the educational landscape in our society. Over the past few years there has been a lotRead MoreEssay on Technology and Education1190 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology and Education When I first stepped foot into a Towson University classroom I was surprised by what I saw. What I saw was something I thought only belonged in corporate meeting rooms. This device I speak of was a digital overhead projector. For me this was something new and very exciting. Where I went to school the idea of technology was a television with a VCR on a rolling stand. This change in technology was far superior than I had ever imagined and this is why I was I chose this topic
Obedience Obedience And Obedience - 1997 Words
OBEDIENCE Obedience can be described as an action exhibited by an individual as a result of direct command or order from another person who is normally in position of authority. Obedience take place when an authority figure ask a person to do something, this usually entails people with status, that is, someone giving the command has to be above the person the order is being given to. Everyday Examples of Obedience Obedience plays a vital role in everyday life; it is an expectation for people to obey authority, obedience is entrenched in most cultures and it is a part of the society. People exercise their authority through issuing orders or command to people in less authority. For example, in the homes; parents expect obedience from their children, in schools; students are expected to obey their teachers, same is expected in religions, workplace. In the work place a boss will command an employee to carry out an order or face being dismissed, the boss is utilizing his/her position to force the employee to act against his/her wish. Real life example of obedience was also witnessed during the Second World War, the Nazi Germans ordered people to commit mass murder of the Holocaust. When Adolf Eichmann was tried in 1961 for the part he played in organizing the Holocaust, by transporting people to the death camps to be murder, he stated that he was only obeying command given to him. Another example of obedience can be witness in current situation of committing suicide andShow MoreRelatedEssay on Obedience755 Words  | 4 PagesObedience is the process by which individuals comply with the instructions given by an authority figure not to be confused with conformity. There is one similarity between obedience and conformity which is that both involved a renunciation Of personal responsibility. There is three differences between Obedience and Conformity. The first one is that in Obedience an order or an instruction is given whereas no instructions or order is given in conformity. The second one is that in obedience thereRead MoreMilgram s Research On Obedience Essay1067 Words  | 5 PagesWhy did Milgram decide to study this topic? What was the motivating factor/event that inspired Milgram to research obedience? †¢ The main reason that Milgram decided to study the topic of obedience was to better understand the extreme inhumane conditions that Jews faced during the holocaust at the hands of German soldiers. Over the 12 year period between the early 1930’s through the mid 1940’s millions of Jews died in death camps run by Germans. Since Milgram himself was of Jewish descent, MilgramRead MoreAuthority Is A Fundamental Part Of Life Essay2069 Words  | 9 Pagesuse authority to maintain order and obedience throughout communities. Parents possess characteristics of authority in order to teach children right from wrong. As well as, teachers are considered authority figures since they need to control and maintain obedience in the classroom. Authority cannot exist without obedience. Society is developed on this notion. Without authority, and its required obedience, disorder and disruption would occur. But how much obedience to authority is necessary? When isRead MoreA Study On Obedience And The Obedience1178 Words  | 5 Pageswanted to do a study on the obedience to an authority figure, and the obedience is a situationist experiment that evidences what happened the real life (Badhwar, 2009). Milgram’s idea was the Holocaust situation and the Nazis who had the authority over European Jews, during World War II, when the Nazi killed thousands of people because they had power, as well as how lived Nazis enemies in the death camps. The point of the research was people behavior in the obedience situation, and Holocaust situationRead MoreDog Training The Easy Way817 Words  | 4 Pagesrecommend them, your friends can recommend them, websites such as Angie s list can recommend them. There are many questions you ll probably have for the trainer, but here are a few to bear in mind: What you want your dog to be able to do? Simple obedience is light years from therapy dog training which is a perhaps smaller journey from bomb identification and disposal. Make sure your perspective trainer has experience with your desired outcome. Can you take part? Training where you and your dog learnRead MoreHow To Train Your Dog Essay909 Words  | 4 Pagesdog, create a job for him to do such as pulling the kids around the yard in a cart. Practice Your dog is well-exercised and he understands that he needs to refer to you, so now is the time to teach commands. When you begin teaching your dog obedience commands, it will take practice. First, verbalize the command and attempt to get the dog to obey without any touching. For example, if you are teaching â€Å"sit†, you can draw the treat in a straight line form the top of the head. The dog will naturallyRead MoreThe Levels Of Obedience1224 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause there was a division of labor. Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi organizer of these mass murders, never saw the direct effects of the genocide he was orchestrating. After the Holo-caust, Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to study the levels of obedience to authority; he used his experiment to find where evil resided in people and to discover the cause of the Holo-caust. Some people found his findings useful information, while others thought his experiment was morally unacceptable due to his useRead MoreEssay on Obedience1004 Words  | 5 PagesErin Poulsen ACP W131 Mr. Scanlan 19 October, 2015 Comparative Critique Obedience and Disobedience has been a part of key moments in history. Many have studied forms of obedience to learn how it affects people and situations. For example, Stanley Milgram conducted a well-known experiment in which the subject, named the â€Å"teacher†must shock the â€Å"learner†every time he doesn’t remember a word pair from a memory test. The focus of this study is on the teacher, and whether they will administerRead MoreObedience Essay744 Words  | 3 PagesObedience In this essay I am going to write on how obedience can affect individuals on how they would normally behave and integrate in society. The meaning of Obedience is a form of social influence where an individual acts in response to a direct order from another individual, who is usually an authority figure. It is assumed that without such an order the person would not have acted in this way. (McLeod, 2007) Migram (1963) conducted a study on how obedient a person would be to an authorityRead MoreObedience to Authority1250 Words  | 5 PagesObedience to Authority No human social organization can function without some degree of obedience to authority, as the alternative would be anarchy leading to total chaos. Hence we find some sort of a hierarchy in both the most underdeveloped and the most civilized societies where certain individuals exercise authority over others. Almost everyone will agree that some degree of authority in certain individuals or groups (and their obedience by other groups) is desirable for the proper functioning
Visual Culture Malaysian Flag
Question: Discuss about theVisual Culture for Malaysian Flag. Answer: Introduction The modern official flag of Malaysia is a product of a number of changes that took place since the inception of the country, after unifying the 14 independent states, much in the style of the way the British did administer and run the country. The Malaysian Flag that in the later years came to be known as Jalur Gemilang was formed even before independence came to the country. The designing process of the flag is an important historical event that reflected much of the nationalistic sentiments and the other social and political dynamics that did continue within the country at that point of time. The inception of the present Malaysian flag has its origin in the flag that was first hoisted by the Federation of Malaya. With all the 14 states coming together to fabricate single nation, there arose a need to make a single national flag that did reflect the national sentiments and the major components that came to together to define the ethnicity and the individuality of the Malayan people( Basir). The very history of the design and the various changes that were brought about the flag of Malaysia, clearly showed the various elements and the dynamics that were at play at the time of making the country of Malaysia and the identity towards which the country and its people were trying to move ahead. In the process of the final evolution of the design of the flag of the nation, we see that the process went through a long process and a sub sequential number of changes till the final design evolved. This change happens to be the most justified one as per which we see that the nationalist sentiments of the rulers and the people of the country were exhibited. This process clearly showed that the nation was striving towards the goal of attaining a clear, separate and individualistic nationalist identity. Flags are after all symbols of pride and dignity that the nations take in their entity. In the case of Malaysia these sentiments were no different(Macdonald). The final design of the Malaysian Flag had 14 equal red and white alternate equal width stripes that are placed against a background of a blue cantonment based on the top left alignment. The cantonment also bears a yellow crescent and a 14 pointed star that is known as the Bintang Persekutuan or the Federal Star. These stripes indicated at the presence of the 13 member states and the federal government. The equal width of the 14 stripes indicates at the equal strength of the 13 member states and also the federal government. The 14 pointed Star indicates at the unity that exists amongst these member states and the federal government. The crescent indicates at the religion of Islam that is the national religion of the country. The colour yellow of the crescent is the symbol of the rulers of the country and the blue cantonment is the symbol that represents the people of the country. The flag of Malaysia truly exhibits and represents all the major forces of the nation and the elements th at comes together to form the nation of Malaysia. It can be said that the flag itself clearly represents the major aspects of the country that gives equal importance to the major elements of the country that have come together to define the national identity of Malaysia(Fischer). Task 2 Democracy is the system where the people of the country have a considerable say in the general running of the country. The people of the country are adequately represented in the parliament and the other legislative, judiciary and also the executive bodies of the country. The people of the country has a major say the country is run, their opinions are valued and better still they have the freedom to express their opinions. This is a process that ensures that the people of the country are free and can contribute to the development of the country. The growth of the country and the well being of the fellow people is a responsibility that s entrusted in the hands of the common people of the country. I fact it has been stated that the democratic forms of government are the best sovereign frameworks for the people to live and flourish in(Therocket). The incident where we see that the national people did contribute to the making and the designing of the flag represents and reflects the democratic spirit of the country. The leaders of the nation clearly had a vision of a democratic nation where the people of the country would be playing a really important role in the development and the enhancement of the nation, its goals, its success and its eventual international pride. The nationalist vision of the political leaders did not just happen to be their own, but was something that was to be shared and cherished by the common people of the nation. After all the population of the country did make the nation what it was and gave it its nationalist identity. This was the vision with which the nationwide flag designing project was undertaken by the government of the nation. The very nature of the project revealed the democratic spirit that was being encouraged by the political leaders of the nation. The people of the country were being e ncouraged and invited to form the nationalist character of the country, where the people of the country would come together to define the character and the nature of the national identity(Expatgo). The nationwide flag designing competition was a major step on the part of the national leaders that gave an insight into their strategy of forming the character of the national identity. The people of the country would now come together to decide on their identity of the nation. This was a great step that did onset the process of formation of a national identity that would be done by the people of the country who together constitutes the nation. Through this process the people who earlier belonged to thirteen separate states now came together to form a single nation Malaysia. This was a process a step through which the thirteen states were merged to form a single nation. This was a process that brought solidarity, unity and integrity to the people of the nation that in return helped to form the nation(Nst). The plan of holding a national competition to design the national flag was truly a great step or a plan on the part of the national leaders that integrated the people of the thirteen states together and also helped the people in the formation of their new country. This was a step that celebrated the spirits of democracy which in the later days became the solid foundation on which stands the current nation of Malaysia a symbol of unity amongst elements of diversification(Fischer). Task 3 The Malaysian Flag is an epitome that symbolises the elemental sentiments and the potential characteristics of the nation, its people, its culture, its religion and its ethnicity. In fact we see the entire history of the formation of the nation and the pillar features of the nation that has formed the identity of the country is well represented in the flag of the country. The makers or the designers of the flag, or better still, the national leaders, who did finally choose the specimen of the national flag amongst some 300 and more examples of probable designs, did keep in mind to put together the essential characteristics of the nation within the flag(Expatgo). The Malaysian Flag or the Jalur Gemilang, as it came to be known in the later days truly has kept in mind all the milestones that the nation has attained in history throughout the process of formation of the country(Fischer). If we talk about the basic design of the flag we see that the elemental structure has been taken from the flag of the East India British, where we see that the basic design has been taken from the flag of the British colonizers. The flag of Malaysia that we see in the current times, the official format or version did see a number of changes. A number of revisions have been done so that the flag can best represent the constitution elements and the nationalist sentiments of the country. The flag of Malaysia in fact aptly represents the ethnic feelings and the sentiments of the nation and also exhibits the factors and the facets that has come together to define the national character of the country and its people and also its society(Bestrategic). The nation of Malaysia was formed by integrating together 13 different independent states and then formation of the federal government. The 14 alternate red and white stripes happen to be representing these thirteen member states and the 14th stripe represents the federal government. The Blue colour cantonment represents the common people of the nation. The crescent represents the religion of Islam and the colour yellow signifies the royal colour of the rulers of the country. In addition we see that the 14 point star reflects the unity of the 13 member states and the federal government(Arkib). Evaluating all the symbols that have been represented in the flag clearly shows the designers and the national leaders have all the elements in mind that are important to the nature of nationalist identity of the country. The flag represents the separate thirteen members, the religion of the people of the country, the common people of the country and also the unity and solidarity amongst elements of diversification(Worldatlas). Truly it can be said that the Malaysian flag happens to be an apt representation of the national sentiments of the country. It denotes the various challenges and the difficulties that have been conquered and overcome in the way of forming the nation. The flag celebrates the unity and the coming together of so many different elements together to make the nation of Malaysia. The flag celebrates the unity amongst diversification, which is the central sentiment behind the formation of the country. It represents the true spirit of democracy and shows equal respect to all the major components of the society and political elite of the country. It respects and celebrates the religion of the people and also the individual identity of the nation that rests on the inherent cultural aspect and lineage of the country(Expatgo). Task 4 The National Flag of any country is the symbol of integrity, uniformity and the identity of the nation, something in which the nation takes a sense of immense pride and honour. The national flag is of utmost importance for the identity of any nation. It is the first and the supreme symbol that defines the entity and the individuality of a nation. It becomes the first symbol that defines the personality and the character of the nation. As a result national flag is an element to honour, take pride in and respect. The nationals of any country are expected to show respect and reverence towards their national flags. In fact people across the world are expected to show respect and honour for the national flags of other countries. The act of disrespecting the national flag is an act that is condemned as a national crime. In fact in many countries dishonouring or harming the national flag is an offence for which the person doing the cat can receive very severe punishment(Bestrategic). In Malaysia as well the national flag is the symbol of national pride and integrity. The people of the country do take immense pride in their national flag and holds it with great honour and dignity. It is the symbol of the unique character of the nation of Malaysia. This is a sentiment that is very commonly exhibited in the daily life of the nation, its society and its people. Anybody who has the minimum sense of observation shall witness this fact in some of the merest activities that goes on within the nation even on a day to day basis. On other occasions of national character we see that the importance and the eminence of the national flag happens to get all the more prominently pronounced. The event of the celebration of the National day clearly shows the nationalist sentiments of the people of the country who do take an immense pride in their national flag. The National Flag of Malaysia in fact narrates the story of the large number of challenges faced and hurdles overcome in the process of making the nation of Malaysia. The National Flag is a symbol that represents the various elements of diversity that has come together to form of the nation of Malaysia. The National Flag on such occasions of the national Day celebrations or maybe even international sports events fills up the people of the country with a sense of adulation for their nation and the heritage that it contains for its future generations and the message of solidarity that it conveys to the rest of the world(Basir). People of the nation are to show respect, adulation and immense reverence for their national flag that is but the ultimate symbol of nationalist identity of the country. Anything otherwise is treated as a grave offence shows towards the entity of the country. References: Arkib. Formation of Malaysia 16 September 1963 . 2016. 27 October 2016 Basir, Kusha. History Behind the Malaysian Flag. 1 September 2010. 27 October 2016 Bestrategic. The history of Malayasian flag. 2016. 27 October 2016 Expatgo. Symbols of Malaysia: Her flag and anthem. 31 August 2016. 27 October 2016 Fischer, Uwe. Jalur Gemilang The Story of the Malaysian Flag. 1 September 2014. 27 October 2016 Macdonald, Ian. Flags of the world. 20 November 2013. 27 October 2016 Nst. Rising together, Rimau to drive KL Sea Games. 14 November 2015. 27 October 2016 Therocket. Malaysias Democracy. 22 August 2013. 27 October 2016 Worldatlas. Malaysian Flag. 2016. 27 October 2016
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